At Solidar farms

Residency at the Solidar boreal biofood platform, Chicoutimi, Saguenay, May 15 to September 30.

Solidar Boreal Biofood Platform is responsible for the Boreal Agricultural Incubator (support for the start-up of market gardeners), the L’ARTERRE (networking and twinning between aspiring farmers and landowners) and a solidarity garden (market garden production, the majority of which is destined for the Moisson Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean food bank). The organization also puts in place the necessary structures for the realization of research projects on the farm.

This residency focuses on the ecosystem of Solidar, centered on the cultivation of food plants. I learn from the growers in order to perfect my observations, accompanied by drawing and photography tools. During my stay, artistic traces are integrated in a renewed way inside the self-service kiosk and in the gardens. This approach questions our relationship to what nourishes us through explorations combining botanical methodologies and artistic gestures. The whole is oriented towards a contribution of the artist to his community, motivated by a wonderment towards the living in constant development and an aspiration to synchronize the art with these processes.

This project received financial support from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the City of Saguenay and the Conseil des arts de Saguenay as part of the Entente de partenariat territorial du Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean 2022-2023.
