
Musée du Fjord, Saguenay, October 19, 2021 to January 16, 2022

I bring the plant world into the museum by creating fictional marine plants from photographs of plants in my garden. I prefer the color turquoise blue to link my images to the specific context of the institution dedicated to the ecosystem of the Saguenay Fjord and, by extension, to evoke the environment of the ocean depths. Through these in-situ interventions, I explore the beauty of the plant world in the same way that I relate to the themes addressed by the museum.

This project received financial support from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and City of Saguenay within the terms of the Entente de partenariat territorial en lien avec la collectivité du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean 2019-2020.

This project was also presented in the Solidar farm barn, 2024

Photo : Nathalie Lavoie
